venerdì 24 febbraio 2012

6 Nazioni: Right Rugby affronta l'Irlanda

Un appuntamento sulla chat di Google ed ecco che Irlanda-Italia ha già inizio: è successo ieri, quando Right Rugby ha partecipato al dibattito organizzato da Sean Farrel, giornalista del sito irlandese in vista del match di domani a Dublino. Da una parte noi, dall'altra il collega Harpin On Rugby, interlocutore attento e che ha dimostrato di conoscere bene gli Azzurri, partendo dai confronti diretti in Pro12. Domande, opinioni non scontate o preconfezionate sulle due formazioni schierate e il più classico dei pronostici. Una piacevole chiacchierata, mancava soltanto una pinta di Guinness vera: quella virtuale c'era.

PULL UP A virtual chair and order a virtual espresso. We’re discussing the hot topics of this weekend’s big Six Nations game. Joining us are; JL Pagano of Harpin on Rugby and Dario Mazzochi of Right Rugby. You can follow them both on Twitter, of course, for all your rugby needs @harpinonrugby and @rightrugby. So, we ordered some (insert stereotypical yet delicious Italian foodstuff) and got chatting… Here’s how it went.

The Score: OK, So lets kick things off. Dario, how do you feel Jacques Brunel is coping as Italy coach after two games? 

Right Rugby: Well, it’s just the start of a long trip and we’re waiting to see what’s in his mind. He wants an “offensive” Italian side, moving the ball, conquering fields. It’s not easy beacuse it’s something new for us, he needs time. but he’s as latin as us, so: it’ll be interesting to understand his real plan 

Harpin on Rugby: I agree – it’s a brave move to have his backs flinging the ball like they are, and if that is his long term plan he needs to be given time to get it right. His biggest challenge would seem to be to settle on a number 10. 

Right Rugby: Number 10: the magic number. 

The Score: Tobias Botes has it this weekend, what are your thoughts on him? 

Right Rugby: he needs confidence and you get it playing rugby, staying on he pitch. He’s a good player, he’s not a fly-half but it’s quite clear Brunel wants to work about it. 

The Score: Yes, the French have never really seen a problem in playing a nine at 10, have they? 

Harpin on Rugby: Yes he played scrum-half for Treviso against Leinster last November and seems more settled in that role. Plus he doesn’t seem to be the better place kicker of the Italian options at the moment. 

Right Rugby: right Sean. And with this game plan (moving the ball) you need quick hands to help your backs.

Harpin on Rugby: Yes I reckon quick ball is what they will be look for from him rather than kicking, so it will be up to the Irish centres to be sure with their gainline tackling

The Score: Botes is one of 10 treviso players in the starting line-up. I’m not too familiar with Lorenzo Cittadini, how do you guys think he’ll do against Cian Healy? 

Right Rugby: Cittadini is one of Treviso key players and look at what Benetton did this season: they started winning away, not only in Monigo (their stadium). Treviso scrum plays a vital role in Benetton game, Cittadini has grown a lot, I’m quite confident. 

Harpin on Rugby: No doubt they will be missing Castro not just for set-pieces but for the charisma & experience he brings to the side. But still Cittadini is no spring chicken himself and will do all he can to unsettle Healy. I wouldn’t back against too many Italian forwards! 

Right Rugby: The real problem is that Irish scrum is very smart in contact area… Not smart, but shrewd

Per leggere il resto della conversazione - e scoprire i pronostici - cliccate qui. Ne vale la pena - e RR fa sfoggio anche di una certa cultura brit pop. 

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Il Rugby in Italia (via RugbyCS)